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version 3.1.0
##武器及boss測試模擬器 睽違1年半又推出了新boss及武器 歡迎試玩w 喔 對了 告示牌壞掉了喔 在第一排前按Z即可選取職業 遊戲介紹: OP的武器和OP的BOSS之矛盾大對決
新增武器:沿暗迫擊弓-TDMB-22903、雷電斧、傳世神劍、熾夏狙擊步槍-FSSR-22924、尋龍絲、探虎鏢、利爪拳套、戰術性霰彈槍-TSG-23823 新增boss_清虛元妙真君、boss_北地槍王 更新內容:十連戰鉞每種傷害上調為1000,拳頭附加傷害更改為5000、九里屠龍刀傷害結構改變5支箭各700改為一支箭3500、雷光刀傷害改為一下2000附加傷害一下1000且不檢查武器 聖之追光獵槍傷害須累積次數下降、清虛元妙真君卡頓問題解決、不再反擊額外增傷(buff) 延遲北地槍王抗性時間 闇之除咒步槍 增加新功能"咒力" 咒力隨攻擊到目標的次數越多而越高與造成的傷害成正比 尋龍絲在中遠距離攻擊時不再自動攻擊、boss重生bug修正 探虎標在印記爆裂時(check per 3 seconds)和丟出標時(ckeck per second)會多丟出一個標 戰術性霰彈槍-TSG-23823 調整傷害初始倍率及傷害結構 增加功能:每次傷害皆使舊傷復發速度加快100毫秒 告示牌內容僅供參考
# Changelog (BATTLE) ## [v4.4.9](/view/BATTLE/4.4.9) (2024-02-09) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.8](/view/BATTLE/4.4.8) (2024-02-04) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.7](/view/BATTLE/4.4.7) (2023-08-26) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.6](/view/BATTLE/4.4.6) (2023-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.5](/view/BATTLE/4.4.5) (2023-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 探虎標在印記爆裂時和丟出標(check per second)時 會再丟出一支標 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.4](/view/BATTLE/4.4.4) (2023-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 每次傷害皆使舊傷復發速度加快一秒 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.3](/view/BATTLE/4.4.3) (2023-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 清虛元妙真君受到額外增傷不再反擊 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.2](/view/BATTLE/4.4.2) (2023-08-24) #### Added - 每次戰術性霰彈槍-TSG-23823舊疾復發 下次復發的速度加快一秒 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.1](/view/BATTLE/4.4.1) (2023-08-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed -調整戰術性霰彈槍-TSG-23823傷害初始倍率 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.4.0](/view/BATTLE/4.4.0) (2023-08-24) #### Added - 增加武器:戰術性霰彈槍-TSG-23823 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.3.1](/view/BATTLE/4.3.1) (2023-08-01) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - BOSS重生bug修正 ## [v4.3.0](/view/BATTLE/4.3.0) (2023-08-01) #### Added - 增加武器:利爪拳套 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.2.0](/view/BATTLE/4.2.0) (2023-07-26) #### Added - 增加武器:探虎鏢 #### Changed - 改變尋龍絲自動攻擊系統(只有近的時候會觸發自動攻擊一次) #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.1.0](/view/BATTLE/4.1.0) (2023-07-26) #### Added - 新增武器:尋龍絲 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.0.4](/view/BATTLE/4.0.4) (2023-07-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 改變聖之追光獵槍傷害須累積次數 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.0.3](/view/BATTLE/4.0.3) (2023-07-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 闇之除咒步槍新增機制:咒力隨攻擊到目標的次數越多而越高與造成的傷害成正比 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.0.2](/view/BATTLE/4.0.2) (2022-11-03) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 北地槍王抗性延遲 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v4.0.1](/view/BATTLE/4.0.1) (2022-11-03) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 沿暗迫擊弓bug ## [v4.0.0](/view/BATTLE/4.0.0) (2022-10-29) #### Added - 增加BOSS-北地槍王 #### Changed - 雷光刀不檢查武器 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.2](/view/BATTLE/3.1.2) (2022-10-12) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 雷光刀傷害改成一次2000 附加傷害也改成一次1000 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.1.1](/view/BATTLE/3.1.1) (2022-10-02) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 十連戰鉞每種傷害上調為1000 拳頭附加傷害更改為5000、 九里屠龍刀傷害結構改變5支箭各700改為一支箭3500 #### Fixed bugs: - 清虛元妙真君卡頓問題 ## [v3.1.0](/view/BATTLE/3.1.0) (2022-09-24) #### Added - 新增武器:熾夏狙擊步槍-FSSR-22924 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v3.0.0](/view/BATTLE/3.0.0) (2022-09-23) #### Added - 新boss-清虛元妙真君 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.3.6](/view/BATTLE/2.3.6) (2022-09-21) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 削弱聖之追光獵槍觸發額外傷害攻擊次數3->6 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.3.5](/view/BATTLE/2.3.5) (2022-09-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 聖之追光獵槍傷害結構調整 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.3.4](/view/BATTLE/2.3.4) (2022-09-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 木人樁復活次數調整 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.3.3](/view/BATTLE/2.3.3) (2022-09-16) #### Added - 木人樁 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 十連戰鉞技能調整、傳世神劍技能調整 ## [v2.3.2](/view/BATTLE/2.3.2) (2022-09-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 雷電斧傷害異常 ## [v2.3.0](/view/BATTLE/2.3.0) (2022-09-05) #### Added - 新增武器:傳世神劍 #### Changed - 馬保國回血量提升 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.2.1](/view/BATTLE/2.2.1) (2022-09-04) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 沿暗迫擊弓-TDMB-22903內部數值調整 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.2.0](/view/BATTLE/2.2.0) (2022-09-04) #### Added - 新增武器:雷電斧 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.1.2](/view/BATTLE/2.1.2) (2022-09-04) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 調整沿暗迫擊弓-TDMB-22903傷害 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.1.1](/view/BATTLE/2.1.1) (2022-09-03) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 調整闇之除咒步槍-DCCRL-21321傷害 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v2.1.0](/view/BATTLE/2.1.0) (2022-09-03) #### Added - 新增武器:沿暗迫擊弓-TDMB-22903 #### Changed - 調整十連戰鉞傷害技能接法 調整聖之追光獵槍-SCLHG-21320傷害量 告示牌內容僅供參考(採用模組之告示牌壞了) #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.4.1](/view/BATTLE/1.4.1) (2021-03-21) #### Added - 新增武器:闇之除咒步槍-DCCRL-21321 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 跳躍BUG ## [v1.4.0](/view/BATTLE/1.4.0) (2021-03-21) #### Added - 新增武器:聖之追光獵槍-SCLHG-21320、泝光連發槍-RLCSG-21318 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 手槍BUG ## [v1.2.3](/view/BATTLE/1.2.3) (2021-03-19) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 打雷顛狂老頭的分數改為10000000 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.2.2](/view/BATTLE/1.2.2) (2021-03-18) #### Added - new features added #### Changed -十連戰鉞附加傷害調整為200,技能小幅度調整(技能能觸發暴擊) #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.2.1](/view/BATTLE/1.2.1) (2021-03-18) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - 九里屠龍刀告示牌顯示問題解決 ## [v1.2.0](/view/BATTLE/1.2.0) (2021-03-18) #### Added - 新武器-九里屠龍刀 #### Changed - 敵人陣營改為第三、第一BOSS技能改為跳到玩家身上 #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.1.2](/view/BATTLE/1.1.2) (2021-03-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - 雷癲狂怪老頭攻擊力5倍增強 #### Fixed bugs: - 標題文字顯示錯誤 ## [v1.1.1](/view/BATTLE/1.1.1) (2021-03-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - BUFF吸血率下降至50% #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.1.0](/view/BATTLE/1.1.0) (2021-03-14) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.0.0](/view/BATTLE/1.0.0) (2021-03-14) #### Added - 新BOSS 新武器 #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v0.0.1](/view/BATTLE/0.0.1) (2021-03-07) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## Authors **[RYOYAN](/profile/3121650654566209@facebook)**
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